Express & Intercity Bus Ticket Reservation by yourself

  • Destination: All Around Korea
Book Accommodation Book Tour


* Prior reservation is required. The reservation is available from 1 month ~ 5 days before the date of use.)
* After payment, the ticket will be sent by email.
* There will be an additional fee on the ticket. (USD 10 / Per person)

Reservation request

* Please choose to make a reservation by yourself and try making a reservation.
* If you have difficulty making a reservation, click the ‘send’ button after filling out the questions.


Subject Express / Intercity Bus Ticket Reservation
Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Number of Guest Adults    
Date of Departure

Departure Place
Date of Return
Departure Place (Return way)
Destination (Return way)
Contact Number
Your Message


Express Bus Reservation

Intercity Bus Reservation


How to get there

☆ Seoul Express Bus Terminal

☆ East Seoul Intercity Bus Terminal